顯度醫院設計在這六大領(lǐng)域內專(zhuān)注細分市場(chǎng),幫助廣大醫療機構用更小的成本創(chuàng )造更好的醫院效益,為醫院打造現代人文化醫療環(huán)境,促進(jìn)醫院品牌形象和發(fā)展。
Dalian Baijia Maternity Hospital is the 19th member of Baijia Professional chain organization of women and infants Care which is jointly invested by Morgan Stanley, Bluepoint, Baijia Maternity Care Holdings and others.
大連百佳婦產(chǎn)醫院是國家二級專(zhuān)科婦產(chǎn)醫院,擁有150個(gè)床位,依托集團雄厚實(shí)力和先進(jìn)的管理理念,提供包括備孕、孕檢、分娩、產(chǎn)后康復、兒保、女性健康管理在內的一站式醫療健康服務(wù),形成新型的婦嬰健康服務(wù)產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈。醫院以JCI(國際醫療衛生機構認證聯(lián)合委員會(huì ))標準為管理標準,是融醫院(Hospital)的優(yōu)質(zhì)醫療服務(wù)、酒店(Hotel)式的星級人文服務(wù)和家(Home)的親切溫馨于一體的“3H”醫院。
Dalian Baijia Maternity Hospital is a tier-2 maternity hospital featured by Obstetrics and Gynecology and equipped with 150 beds. Supported by the solid strength and advanced management concepts of Baijia International Group, our hospital offers one-stop healthcare services including pre-pregnancy care, prenatal examinations, delivery, postpartum recovery, children’s health care and women’s health management, forming a new industrial chain of women and infants health care. Following JCI (Joint Commission International) standards on management, Dalian Baijia Maternity Hospital is committed to becoming a 3H hospital that combines quality hospital medical care, hotel service standards and home-like atmosphere.